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马刺中文论坛 » 环球刺讯 » [工地]The Psychoanalysis

 2007-04-20 16:41  #1
加入日期: 2006-10-24
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[工地]The Psychoanalysis







我生性喜静。说话时很难思考,好友很明白这点,用句心理分析学的话:爱安静因为爱思考。这也是我在Wake Forest大学读心理学专业的缘故。不是说我以后要开心理诊所(如果NBA停摆过久,未尝不可开一个),而是老想关注大脑里的思想活动。我想知道别人咋想;更让我感兴趣的是:别人怎么感受、对不同事物如何反应、以及自己怎么让别人反应。


多年来,我喜欢用喜剧眼光打量压力境况,这样就不会压垮我。每当有队员融入不了比赛,显得茫然时,AJ (Avery Johnson) 就会讲一个故事:在比分迫近的比赛里如何参与进来。有一次,AJ连续两三个上篮不中,开始慌了;我走过去,冷不丁问:“你喜欢什么音乐来着?”他很滑稽地盯着我:“搞什么呀,这在比赛,梦游呢?你!”不一会儿,他反应过来了:“那没啥大不了,发生了就过去了,改变不了就想点别的。”后来AJ常提起这事,我一笑置之。



看过《心灵捕手》吗?那是最能映射我心理的影片。我只不过比Will Hunting (主人公)高了点,静了些。Hunting仅靠提几个问题,说了些无厘头的话,让别人做出反应,从而捕捉弱点与好恶、洞察人性。我很赞Hunting!



(原文:Not only that, but some of your best pranks can come when others think you are serious. 译者根据唐伯虎一首诗编译这句话)



你有没有注意到有球员在同一身体部位遭受打击,要么碰撞膝盖,要么击打头部。很不幸,我也有类似的问题,可惜不再膝盖或头部,而在两者之间——就是男人才有的那玩样儿,懂了吗?对了,就是JJ (俗称二弟)。

我不知为啥会这样子,况且那还是我的弱势部位。我不知这怎么发生,为何发生,我只知这经常发生。联盟没有人比我更倒霉了,对手队友都有份,印象中只有裁判和吉祥物没有碰过我那儿。如果我退役较早,估计就是那儿弄伤了。奇怪的是:没人连续弄我两次,David Robinson是个例外,这家伙好像一直碰到我那儿。因为他胳膊长?我也不晓得,但他似乎有诀窍。其他人就是随机的,碰到就碰到了。如果老这么倒霉,我可能就成为NBA戴护档罩的第一人了。

别人说我在球场很矫健,有记者称我为“凌波微步男”(Man of Many Moves),脚下功夫在巨人中算一流的;他又接着问我是不是因为跳舞很棒,脚步才会如此轻盈迅速。我不想唬悠他,但说实话,我是跳舞白痴。我也不知道为何不行,反正就不行。在篮球上,我用各种方式练出现在的脚下功夫。他说跳舞也是一回事,但我不这么认为。


你们现在一定感到我疯了,但我敢保证:我很正常,只是脑子总浮想出各种各样的念头,也包括很疯狂的无厘头。严格地说起来,让我变坏太难了。毕竟,我成长于一个良好的家庭,在Wake Forest大学结识了一帮好友,之后进入最好的篮球联盟,然后又加盟马刺队。大学时最好的朋友Marc Scott是我的经纪人,打理着我日常生活上的一切事宜。而我的新闻发言人Lon Babby 同时也是Grant Hill和Nikki McCray的全权发言人。我还有女友Emily的挚爱,她也很快就从Wake Forest毕业来帮我应付职业球员生活的挑战。周围都是好人,上天很眷顾我;没得办法,我只能在各方面做的更好。(Good Better Best / Never let it rest / Till good is better / And better best.)



这种个性也许激起了我进一步的行动:在千禧之际创出一套新系列运动服,名叫“极不寻常”(Ultimate Rejects wear)。在Wake Forest大学时,我就有个习惯:剪掉T恤衫袖子,反穿短裤,大概我内心渴望特立独行吧。有次大家都闲得无聊,我又在剪T恤衫袖子了,教练Jerry Wainwright看到我灵感突发想出了那个“极不寻常”称号。他建议:我们搞出来一个新款服装,让顾客直到购买了才知道买的是啥东东,让他们感受“极不寻常”(surprise blemishes),比如,你买的这条裤子一个长一个短;或者你买的另一条裤子洗过之后就成了粉红色;抑或裤子没什么不妥,但脱下一看,腿染成了紫色。


瞧,为了扭转我的“呆呆”形象,我能创出很流行的东东。现在流行“乔丹系列”,它主宰了体育用品市场,为了适应市场竞争,你们会发现我是多么古怪、多么激动人心。现在你知道我是何许人也了吧。乔丹有个Brand Jordan(乔丹品牌)系列,我也会有个Ultimate Rejects(极不寻常)系列(或许有一天能成为耐克旗下产品)。我正在努力开发出“Duncan牌”新潮鞋、古龙香水、餐馆。相信我的努力,有朝一日会实现的。




The Psychoanalysis of Tim Duncan -- By Tim Duncan

For this story, the good people over at Sport asked me to psychoanalyze myself. So as I lay here on my comfortable couch at home, I thought it was time that I reveal who the real Tim Duncan was. On second thought, t think it’d be safer to give you a slightly fictionalized version that way you won't think I'm too goofy, thus keeping my "dull" image intact (remember, I'm often told, you cant do those Nike and Pro Edge Gel commercial if you get too weirded out).

Ok, here goes: I've got a million things going on in my head at all times. There I said it. If you ever see me and think I'm being standoffish, please forgive me. I am just trying to listen to the inner voice that tortures me so. Just kidding Seriously, in these moments, I am doing nothing but thinking. Sometimes thinking about nothing.

That is why I am a quiet person by nature. After all, it is difficult to think while talking, and close friends of mine will readily attest to that fact. But back to the psychoanalysis at hand, that’s why I love being quiet because I just love to think. I took up psychology in college at Wake forest for that very reason. I’m not planning on opening up a practice anytime soon (although if this lockout lasts much longer it may not be too bad of an idea); I just love the inner workings of the mind. I was able to learn how people think and I really liked that. I was always interested in how people were feeling, how people would react to different things what you could do to make them react in certain ways.

Sometimes I think I think way too much. If I let myself go unrestrained, I can easily overanalyze things. I can overthink things when things are happening good or bad. I can make It more than it is or I can make it less than it is, and sometimes its best just to leave it as it is.

Over the years, I've learned I actually like viewing pressure situations comically so that they don't stress me out. AJ (Avery Johnson, to those lost souls that don't follow the Spurs closely) likes to tell a story all the time about how we were involved in a close game. He missed two or three lay-ups in a row and was starting to stress out. I just came over and asked him something out of the blue something like, "What kind of music do you like to listen to?" He just looked at me real funny, like "What the heck are you talking about? Why isn't your mind on the game?" Then he looked at me, and I think he understood what I was saying. "Its not a big deal. It happened. Its gone. We can't change it now. Think about something else." He always tells people about that and laughs it off.

Right now, everything I am writing has a big restrainer on it. I do this for your sake. If I write everything down that I am thinking, then you make all think I have lost it.

You ever see the movie Good Will Hunting starring Matt Damon? Thats probably the best way to get a true psychoanalytical picture of me. I am just a taller, slightly less hyperactive version of the Damon character in that movie. I just enjoyed how he probed people and found out their weaknesseswhat they liked and didnt likejust by asking questions and saying outlandish random stuff, just to get a reaction. People expect me to be this shy, quiet type, so Ill ask them outlandish questions in a serious tone many times just to get a reaction. When people asked me when the lockout would end, I would whisper "February 10... but dont tell anybody." I just do goofy stuff like that simply to get a reaction. Life is too short to be serious all of the time. Not only that, but some of your best pranks can come when others think you are serious.

I try to take this mentally-probing attitude on the court with me at all times. People in college thought I was lackadaisical because I didn’t show emotion. They thought I was soft because I didn't yell with every rebound. Emotions must not always be shown, if you show excitement, then you may also show disappointment or frustration. If your opponent picks up on this frustration, you are at a disadvantage. I made sure my opponents didn't know what was going on in my head, I guess that’s why the fans never knew either. Basketball is like a chess game, you cannot reveal all that you are thinking or you will be at a sizeable disadvantage to your opponent.

Basketball to some players is mainly a physical event, to me it is both physical and mental. You must not only conquer your opponents physically, you must also beat them mentally. You must at times out think them. I have to use my shot fakes and things that will work for me. In order to beat my opponent, I have to make basketball become a thinking mans game. I might take a jump shot this time, so that the next time, my opponent is looking for another jump shot. That’s where I then pump-fake him in the air and go around him to the basket where I use my incredible hops, jump over everyone and do a 360 slam dunk! (Sorry, got caught up in the moment, I meant I take one dribble and shoot a jump shot, although the 360 does sound cooler)

Have you ever noticed that some people while playing always seem to hit themselves in the same place? Whether it is they bang knees often, or they always seem to get hit in the head. Unfortunately, I have one of these problems, only I wish it were the knee or the head. Lucky me, it is a place in the middle of these two, that only males have got it yet? Yes I get hit often in the gonads.

I don't know why I have this propensity, I just do. That is my major area of weakness. I dont know how this happens, I don't know why this happens, all I know is how frequently this seems to happen. It seems that nobody gets hit in the "groin", as many tend to call it, on a basketball court more than me. Opponents have hit me in games. Teammates have hit me in practice. Teammates, believe it or not, have even got me during games against other opponents. Everybody but the referee and the mascot have got me at some point or another (and if you see me retiring early, it'll probably be because one of the aforementioned finally got me). The amazing thing is that nobody has got me twice, with the exception of David, who seems to get me all the time. I don't know if its his arm length or what, but he sure does seem to have a knack at crippling me in that way. Everyone else in the league is pretty random. Whoever gets me gets me. I'm going to have to be the first NBA player to regularly wear a cup if this continues to happen.
(cup :an athletic supporter reinforced usually with plastic to provide extra protection to the wearer)

When not writing in pain, people tell me I look pretty nimble on the basketball court. One reporter called me the Man of Many Moves, saying I had the best footwork of any NBA big man. He then asked if this was because I was a good dancer. I hated to disillusion the man, but I actually suck at dancing. I don't know why I can't, I just know that I can't. In basketball, I learned progression of moves just by doing different things. He said dancing was the same thin, but I sure don't see it that way.

Then I started to think of what the reporter had asked. I enjoyed the Man of Many Moves name, which he had administered to me. However, I feel this reporter may have been a little remiss. I hate to tell him, but I am no big man. This is merely where they believe I should play because I am tall. I am really a point guard; Im just a little bigger than everyone else is.

I'm sure that right now you are all thinking that I must be crazy. But, I assure you, I am normal, I told you I just am always thinking, sometimes about really crazy random things. But in all seriousness, it really should be difficult for me to be too strange. After all, a great family raised me. I had great friends, support and teaching at Wake forest. I came to a first-class organization in the Spurs family. My best friend from college, Marc Scott, is my business manager, handling my day-to-day operations. And my agent is an attorney by the name of Lon Babby, who also represents players such as Grant Hill and Nikki McCray. I have the loving support of my girlfriend who still attends Wake Forest and is nearing graduation. She helps me cope with the everyday rigors of being an NBA player.

I'm surrounded by nothing but great people. Ive been blessed with that, so really, I've got no choice but to be an all-around good person.

At this point, if I were to psychoanalyze myself, I'd have to say I am a clown, cleverly disguised as a regular person. I enjoy jokes, smiling, and making people smile. I may be a little different, but that's OK, who wants to be normal anyway?

In fact, its this "different" nature that will probably fuel my next endeavor, a clothing line bearing a new style for the new millennium. Its called Ultimate Rejects wear. Back at Wake Forest, I had a penchant (and still do to this day) of cutting off the sleeves of all my T-shirts and wearing my shorts backwards. I guess I’ve always wanted to be an original. One of my former coaches in college, Jerry Wainwright, came up with the name. One day at Wake, we were just messing around, cutting my sleeves off everything when he came up with this brilliant idea. He thought we should start a line of clothes where you don't really know what you’re gonna get when you buy it. You know a clothing line with surprise blemishes. You might, for instance, buy a pair of pants, and have one long leg and one short leg. Or you might buy another pair that turned pink after you washed it one time. Perhaps another time, you would notice nothing wrong with your pants until you took them off and discovered it dyed your skin purple.

We will have Ultimate Rejects wear in finer clothing stores any day now. We're still waiting for a patent to come through on our SuperShrinker solution that will actually shrink the clothes down eight sizes so that you’re only able to wear them once. It might not be user-friendly, but at least it'll keep you coming back for more.

You see, in order to overcome my dull image, I've figured out that I’ve got to start doing everything the way everybody else does. You know, "Be Like Mike" as our culture says. Michael Jordan rules our sports universe, so I’ve to start adapting, so everyone can see just how exciting and eccentric I can be. Now do you see where I'm coming from? Michael has a clothing line (Brand Jordan), thus I will have a clothing line (Ultimate Rejects, maybe Nike will buy into it also). I'm still working on a special shoe (Another hint to Nike), aromatic cologne and a restaurant bearing my name, believe me I'm trying (OK, I'm not trying hardOK, not at all, but maybe one day).

All right, time's up. Now you know who I am or maybe you don't, you figure it out.

For a hardcopy of this article, pickup March 1999 issue of Sport Magazine.

此帖于 2007-04-21 12:03 被 leon 编辑。
 2007-04-20 16:42  #2
加入日期: 2006-10-24
帖子: 175
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回复: [工地]The Psychoanalysis

For this story, the good people over at Sport asked me to psychoanalyze myself. So as I lay here on my comfortable couch at home, I thought it was time that I reveal who the real Tim Duncan was. On second thought, t think it’d be safer to give you a slightly fictionalized version that way you won't think I'm too goofy, thus keeping my "dull" image intact (remember, I'm often told, you cant do those Nike and Pro Edge Gel commercial if you get too weirded out).

Q: 仔细对照转贴的编译发现内容远远超出了这段话,英语原文我也没Google出来,

Then I started to think of what the reporter had asked. I enjoyed the Man of Many Moves name, which he had administered to me. However, I feel this reporter may have been a little remiss. I hate to tell him, but I am no big man. This is merely where they believe I should play because I am tall. I am really a point guard; Im just a little bigger than everyone else is.



 2007-04-20 17:49  #3
加入日期: 2006-03-07
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回复: [工地]The Psychoanalysis

 2007-04-20 18:46  #4
加入日期: 2005-09-20
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回复: [工地]The Psychoanalysis

leon 就是看了精华区的文章,决定要战翻之的……
leon go go go……
Blessing in Disguise

Heaven in Hell
 2007-04-20 19:06  #5
加入日期: 2006-03-07
帖子: 1540
现金: 192 盾
回复: [工地]The Psychoanalysis


leon GO GO Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
 2007-04-21 23:21  #6
加入日期: 2006-10-24
帖子: 175
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回复: [工地]The Psychoanalysis



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